I love this time of year. Not only is it summer and we have an extended break, but it's the time when - along with the scent of jasmine and sea salt that fills the steamy air - there's the beautiful smell of opportunity and possibility in the air.
The new year is possibly the globally most recognised 'temporal landmark' - that is, a moment in time when we have the opportunity to draw an imaginary line in the sand and say 'tomorrow things will be different'. It's why our social media feeds are momentarily filled with ads spruiking new year calendars and planners and fitness influencers telling us how this is going to be the 'year of you'!
Regardless of who you are, and how much you buy into new year's resolutions (or not), you've probably done some reflection and thinking about how you want things to be different.
They're thinking: 'We need to deliver the strategy this year. But last year was tough. It wore down on me personally in various ways. I want things to be different.'
So I think CFOs have the opportunity early in the near year to open up an informal conversation with their CEO to find out about what their personal new year's resolutions are. Find out how they want things to be different even though so many things are already set it stone.
Then help them make them happen.
The level of trust between a CEO and CFO can be established and maintained through normal business processes, that's true. But when you amp up the level of corporate intimacy you have with your CEO and show them that "I've got your back" outside those normal processes, that's when you become their true partner and guide.
Our CFOs walked away from the session this week saying:
'I feel aligned and concentrated'
'I'm excited by the opportunities'
'I feel focused and purposeful - it's kicked me into gear for the year'
Imagine if you were able to help your CEO feel that way?
How do you want things to be different this year?
How does your CEO want things to be different this year?
How can you help?